
Choosing Protective Gear While Motoring

Only professional racers wear gears that protect their entire body in an accident. The common commuters settle for helmets, airbags and seat belts. These protective gears save life in most cases, but they do not mitigate the damage risks to all parts of the body. To do that, additional gears must be worn.

A good way to choose the additional protective gears is as per the imperativeness of the organs (or body parts) to your overall life and the risks each motoring pose to your body. We have organs that are —

On two wheelers, your head, fingers, elbow and knee face the biggest risks. And in a car, your head, neck and chest face the biggest risks.

So, in the order of importance, a helmet, a protective glove, elbow protectors and knee protectors are protection gears to be worn during a two wheel motoring. In a car, the airbag and seat belts take care of protection.


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